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  1. About the Indicators API Documentation

  2. Acronyms and Abbreviations

  3. Advanced Data API Queries

  4. Aggregate API Queries

  5. API Basic Call Structures

  6. API Error Codes

  7. Are all WDI series on a calendar year reporting period?

  8. Can I be automatically notified of changes or additions to the Microdata Library catalog?

  9. Can I get help in implementing a microdata catalog in my agency?

  10. Can you help with analyzing microdata?

  11. Country API Queries

  12. Data Catalog API

  13. Data Quality and Effectiveness

  14. Data Updates and Errata

  15. Developer Information: Overview

  16. Development Best Practices

  17. Do I need any special expertise or tools to analyze the data in the Microdata Library?

  18. Do you have any data on wealth?

  19. Do you have data for informal sectors?

  20. Do you have data on population projections?

  21. Do you have data on World Bank interest rates by country?

  22. Do you have global income distribution data?

  23. Do you have Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Income (GNI) forecasts?

  24. Do you have more recent data than I currently find on your website?

  25. Do you have quarterly external debt data?

  26. Do you have quarterly, monthly or higher frequency data?

  27. Doesn’t the international poverty line put too much emphasis on money? What about the other dimensions of poverty?

  28. How are aggregate growth rates computed for National Accounts series?

  29. How are revisions managed?

  30. How are the first-level administrative division used in the Subnational Population Database?

  31. How are the income group thresholds updated?

  32. How can gross school enrollment ratios be over 100 percent?

  33. How can I contribute to improving the Microdata Library?

  34. How can I download data from the Gender Data Portal?

  35. How can I keep up to date with updates, additions, and revisions?

  36. How can I learn more about a specific indicator?

  37. How can I rescale a series to a different base year?

  38. How can school enrollment and completion indicators be over 100 percent?

  39. How do I access World Development Indicators (WDI) online tables?

  40. How do I choose the type of Chart for visualizing my data in DataBank?

  41. How do I customize the Table in DataBank?

  42. How do I download data in DataBank?

  43. How do I edit my country/series/year selection once I have the Table/Chart or Map open in DataBank?

  44. How do I edit the list of Countries, Indicators and Years I have selected in DataBank?

  45. How do I save my reports, access and delete them in DataBank?

  46. How do I select countries in DataBank?

  47. How do I select indicators in DataBank?

  48. How do I share my DataBank Table/ Chart/ Map on social media?

  49. How do I start in DataBank?

  50. How do I view all the data that I have selected in DataBank?

  51. How do I view country and Indicator notes/metadata in DataBank?

  52. How do the 2017 PPPs change global, regional, country-level poverty estimates?

  53. How do you define remittances?

  54. How do you derive constant price series in USD?

  55. How do you derive your constant price series for the national accounts?

  56. How do you extrapolate the PPP conversion factors estimated by the ICP?

  57. How do you use the Gender Gap in the Map view?

  58. How does the World Bank classify countries?

  59. How does the World Bank code its indicators?

  60. How is the international poverty line derived? How is it different from national poverty lines?

  61. How often is the Gender Data Portal Updated?

  62. How often is the Quarterly External Debt Data Updated?

  63. How often is the Quarterly Public Sector Debt data updated?

  64. I cannot find the data I am looking for. Where else can I look?

  65. I need a dataset which is not listed in your microdata catalog, but which has been used in World Bank publications. Can you help me obtain these data?

  66. I need a more comprehensive list of surveys and censuses conducted in low and middle-income countries. Where can I find that?

  67. I want to contribute a dataset or a survey catalog to the Microdata Library. What are the conditions?

  68. If I contribute datasets to the catalog, how will I be informed of the demand for my data?

  69. If I want to publish my microdata in the World Bank Microdata Library what are the benefits to me?

  70. If poverty rates are not available for all countries in a given year, how are global and regional poverty statistics calculated?

  71. Indicator API Queries

  72. Is foreign direct investment (FDI) included in gross fixed capital formation?

  73. Metadata API Queries

  74. Methodologies

  75. New Features and Enhancements in the V2 API

  76. Open Data Training Modules

  77. SDMX API Queries

  78. Should I use national or global poverty lines?

  79. Should the $2.15 a day poverty line be used to plan programs and policies in a specific country?

  80. The catalog provides access to dataset in a specific file format. I would like to get the data in another format. Can you help?

  81. The World Bank Atlas method - detailed methodology

  82. Topic API Queries

  83. wbopendata: Stata module to access World Bank databases

  84. WDI Partners

  85. What are emerging markets?

  86. What are quintiles?

  87. What are Stock Figures?

  88. What are the conversion rates from European Monetary Union (EMU) currencies to Euros?

  89. What are the methodologies used in estimating the subnational population data?

  90. What are the research outputs associated with a dataset in your Library? Do you have a bibliography of data-related citations?

  91. What are the sources for the subnational population data?

  92. What are your principles governing statistical data?

  93. What do we mean by microdata?

  94. What is an “international dollar”?

  95. What is External Debt?

  96. What is Net Flow?

  97. What is the $2.15 poverty line, and based on this new measure, how many people are living in extreme poverty in the world?

  98. What is the DEC conversion factor?

  99. What is the definition of adult mortality ?

  100. What is the difference between "External debt stocks" and "Gross External Debt Position"?

  101. What is the difference between current and constant price series?

  102. What is the difference between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) net inflows and net outflows?

  103. What is the difference between purchaser prices, producer prices (VAP), and basic prices (VAB)?

  104. What is the difference between sex and gender on the Gender Data Portal?

  105. What is the difference between total value added and gross domestic product?

  106. What is the difference between trade indicators derived from the Balance of Payments and trade data from COMTRADE?

  107. What is the estimation period for the Subnational Population Database?

  108. What is the External Debtor Reporting System (DRS)?

  109. What is the SDR deflator?

  110. What is the Subnational Population Database?

  111. What is the World Bank Atlas method?

  112. What methods are used to calculate aggregates for groups of countries?

  113. What other poverty lines do the World Bank use in tracking progress against global poverty?

  114. What will you do with information I provide when I register, login, or submit a request for a licensed dataset?

  115. Where are your data on Taiwan?

  116. Where can I find data on literacy rates for high-income countries?

  117. Where can I find data on the private sector and privatization?

  118. Where can I find the data annex tables of the World Development Report?

  119. Which countries have reported data to Quarterly External Debt Statistics (GDDS) ?

  120. Which countries have reported data to Quarterly External Debt Statistics (SDDS)?

  121. Which countries have reported data to Quarterly Public Sector Debt database?

  122. Which countries subscribe to Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS) GDDS?

  123. Which countries subscribe to Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS) SDDS?

  124. Why are Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) ratings only available from 2005 onwards?

  125. Why are Excel files not available as a download option?

  126. Why are some data not available?

  127. Why are some data not available?

  128. Why are some indicators disaggregated whereas others are not?

  129. Why are some series shown in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) terms?

  130. Why can't I find data on some small countries?

  131. Why did the World Bank decide to update the International Poverty Line?

  132. Why do countries revise their national accounts?

  133. Why do some countries receive negative amounts of aid?

  134. Why do the estimates in the Subnational Population Database sometimes differ from official statistics?

  135. Why doesn’t the Table show all of the data I have selected in DataBank?

  136. Why don't you have a search by topic and keyword tool?

  137. Why is there missing data for high-income countries?

  138. Why is there no poverty data for every country every year?

  139. Why raise the poverty line to $2.15 a day? What was wrong with the $1.90 a day line that we are used to?

  140. Why use GNI per capita to classify economies into income groupings?

  141. World Bank Country and Lending Groups

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