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Why are some indicators disaggregated whereas others are not?

The World Bank Gender Data Portal includes a wide variety of indicators that include sex-disaggregated data and other gender-related statistics. Any indicator that has both male and female data available is sex-disaggregated and may include a gender gap view on the map to allow for further exploration of the differences between males and females. However, the portal also includes a range of other indicators that provide important context to the lives, rights, and experiences of women and girls. Some indicators cannot be disaggregated because the indicator refers specifically to females. This includes health related indicators such as the adolescent fertility rate, as well as female-only indicators like proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments. Indicators from Women, Business and the Law contextualize the laws and regulations that affect women’s rights and economic inclusion and have only two values to denote whether the law exists or not.

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