API Error Codes
Error Code | Response Code | Description |
105 | 503 'Service currently unavailable' | 'The requested service is temporarily unavailable.' |
110 | 404 'API Version "XXX" not found.' | 'The requested API version was not found.' |
111 | 404 'Format "XXX" not found.' | 'The requested response format was not found.' |
112 | 404 'Method "XXX" not found.' | 'The requested method was not found.' |
115 | 404 'Missing required parameter' | 'Parameters which are required have not been sent.' |
120 | 404 'Parameter "XXX" has an invalid value.' | 'The provided parameter value is not valid.' |
140 | 400 'Endpoint “XXX” not found.’ | 'The requested endpoint was not found' |
150 | 400 'Language with ISO2 code: "XX" is not yet supported in the API' | 'Response requested in an unsupported language.' |
160 | 400 ' Filtering data-set on an indicator value without indicating a date range is meaningless and is not allowed.' | 'You need to indicate date-range if you want to filter by an indicator value.' |
199 | 500 'Unexpected error' | 'An unexpected error was encountered while processing the request.' |