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How do I start in DataBank?

You can access DataBank as either a registered or an unregistered user. As an unregistered user you can generate customized reports, view tables, charts and maps and download the data. As a registered user you will have all of these options and the ability to save your data selection in the system, so that you can render it at any point in time, share your tables, charts and maps with other users, and embed your data visualizations directly into blogs or websites. 

1)      To login to the database without registering click on the Databases tab on the left-hand side of the screen and select from the list of databases that are displayed.

Select from Countries, Indicators and Time.

2)      To login to the database as a registered user create a login name and password using an existing email address by clicking on the” New User? Sign Up “ button on the left side of the screen. Once you have created an account click on the Login Now button on the left side of the screen. Once you are redirected to the Databank home page, click on the Databases tab on the left-hand side of the screen and select from the list of databases that are displayed.

Select from Countries, Indicators and Time.

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