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What is the difference between purchaser prices, producer prices (VAP), and basic prices (VAB)?

Basic price

The basic price is the amount receivable by the producer exclusive of taxes payable on products and inclusive of subsidies receivable on products. The equivalent for imported products is the c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight) value, that is, the value at the border of the importing country.

Producer price

The producer price is the amount receivable by the producer inclusive of taxes on products except deductible value added tax and exclusive of subsidies on products. The equivalent for imported products is the c.i.f value plus any import duties or other taxes on imports (minus any subsidies on imports).

Producer prices = Basic prices + taxes on products (excluding VAT) - subsidies on products

Purchaser price

The purchaser price is the amount payable by the purchaser. This includes trade margins realized by wholesalers and retailers (by definition, their output) as well as transport margins (that is, any transport charges paid separately by the purchaser) and non-deductible VAT.

Purchaser prices = Producer prices + trade and transport margins + non-deductible VAT

For countries that collect value added data at purchaser prices, GDP at purchaser prices = agriculture value added + industry value added + services value added at producer prices - financial intermediary services indirectly measured (FISIM) (where available).

For countries that collect value added data at basic prices, GDP at purchaser prices = agriculture value added + industry value added + services value added at basic prices – FISIM (where available) + net taxes on products.

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