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How do you use the Gender Gap in the Map view?

Many of the Gender Data Portal’s indicators are sex-disaggregated, which means that they have both female and male values. The Gender Gap is a feature of the Map view that measures the difference between the female and male values for the indicator. To activate it, simply click on the toggle in the Gender Gap switch in the Filters section of the Map.

The coloring on the map highlights the difference between male and female values for the indicator. When a country is colored purple, it means that the male value is higher than the female value. Yellow indicates that the female value is higher than the male value, and blue means that the values are nearly equal or equal. To view how big the Gender Gap is for a given country, either hover over the country on the map or scroll down to the Data Table.

The Gender Gap is calculated by subtracting the Male value from the Female value [Female – Male]. When looking at the Data Table, there will be both positive and negative numbers. If a number is negative, it indicates that the male value is higher than the female value. When the number is positive, the female value is higher than the male value.

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