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I cannot find the data I am looking for. Where else can I look?

The data curated in the Gender Data Portal are national level data which are typically harmonized and published by custodian agencies like the UN agencies or the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) program. The Portal follows the same policy as the World Development Indicators to include data for countries that are World Bank members, plus other economies with populations over 30,000 that present separate statistics.

The indicators in the Gender Data Portal have a strong statistical methodology as well as a high coverage of data across countries and years. Thus, there may be some data that you cannot find in the Portal either because there are only a handful of countries collecting sex-disaggregated data for those indicators, or the data are not collected frequently enough or lack a robust statistical methodology. The Portal’s Resources page has a list of other Gender Data Portals that focus on specific topics or regions where you may be able to find the data you are looking for. These Portals often include data with fewer countries and years of coverage.

There are also some indicators for which custodian agencies have stopped collecting data (i.e. Percentage of female professional and technical workers), which may be archived with time. If you are looking for an indicator that used to be in the Gender Data Portal but is no longer available, it may have been removed because there are no data points within the last 10 years. If you are in need of this historical data, the custodian agency will likely have the indicator in an archived database.

All data available for a given country or economy are in the CSV file accessible in the top right corner of each country profile. This is the easiest way to find the indicators for which the country or economy has data. If you are looking for subnational data or microdata for a particular country, the Portal’s Resources page will connect you directly to all National Statistics Offices that publish gender data or reports online, which highlight both subnational and national information.

The Resources Page also has tools and guidelines to improve data collection, use, and dissemination of gender statistics. These resources promote further exploration of gender data using microdata from World Bank datasets, subnational data from national statistical offices, regional or thematic data from other gender data portals, and sites with data visualizations and stories.

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