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How can I contribute to improving the Microdata Library?

You can:
  • Suggest improvements to the functionality of the application we are using to power the Microdata Library. The application is an open source application.
  • Inform us of problems found in any of the datasets listed.
  • Send us any metadata and other materials you may have or may have generated while using a dataset you obtained from the Library. Metadata is not always complete for all datasets, for example, variables and value labels may not be available for all datasets. If you create programs in Stata or SPSS to generate these labels and would like to share them with us then please send them to us.
  • Send us citations of published work done using datasets from the Microdata Library. When sending a citation which you would like us to include for a particular dataset please provide the full citation along with the title and identification number of the dataset. You can also send the citation in BibTex or Endnote format to us.
  • Inform us of datasets or collections that you think could be added to the Library. We require that the DDI metadata be prepared and made available for the dataset (we can help with generating DDIs for datasets of particular interest). The data provided must be free access and the ownership and permission to disseminate clear. We make no guarantee that a dataset provided to us will be included in the Library. 

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