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I want to contribute a dataset or a survey catalog to the Microdata Library. What are the conditions?

The Microdata Library is a DDI compliant catalog (DDI is the international XML metadata standard we use to document and catalog datasets). A dataset will only be included in our catalog when we have DDI-compliant metadata. DDI metadata can be generated by data producers using a specialized DDI metadata editor, such as the free IHSN Microdata Manatgement Toolkit. In some cases, the microdata Library generates the DDI metadata. The catalog is for any type of microdata from low- and middle-income countries, for which metadata is available without restriction, and for which data can be accessed free of charge under clearly defined conditions (such as public use files, licensed files, or possibly in a data enclave).
  • We reserve the right to include or not datasets submitted to us.
  • People submitting datasets must have the legal authority to do so.
  • We do not pay providers of data. 

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