National average income sepearately for urban and rural population
For several international analysis, e.g. municipal waste generation, it would be very helpful to have GDP/cap for total population (average national income per capita) split into urban and rural population.
For several analysis also a distribution over income classes for urban and rural population would be very beneficial.
Perhaps also separately for largest cities, e.g. > 300k or > 1 mln.
But most important would be a split into rural-urban (perhaps also large urban), in particular for developing countries.

Thank you for your suggestion. We are working to expand the availability of our data at a disaggregated and subnational level (including rural and urban). Currently the following related series are available in the World Development Indicators (
• Urban poverty gap at national poverty lines (%)(SI.POV.URGP)
• Urban poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of urban population)(SI.POV.URHC)
• Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%)(SI.POV.RUGP)
• Rural poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of rural population)(SI.POV.RUHC)
You can also explore the subnational poverty data: