Housing (Supply, quality)
After reviewing the recent blog post about which indicators will be chosen for WBI (Ihttp://blogs.worldbank.org/opendata/how-we-do-open-data-1-choosing-development-indicators), I am still curious as to absence of housing-related data. The massive increase in the population of cities especially is leading to chronic housing shortages in many developing countries and, though complicated because of the legal frameworks surrounding it, housing needs to be addressed if targets surrounding development targets ranging from health to livelihoods to gender equity are to be reached. To do this, however, we need more data across countries with regards to housing.
Is the problem simply that not enough countries collect this data and the indicator therefore fails the fourth criterium?
Thank you for your help in this matter.

Thank you for your message. Unfortunately this type of data can be difficult to collect. We will certainly consider including and publishing this type of indicators in the future.