Pacific Island country and territory household survey data
It would be brilliant if you could consolidate access to these HIES, DHS and Census datasets onto the World Bank's online platform, or at least MEASURE DHS, the same way other microdata is accessed:
The World Bank is supporting many countries with the documentation, preservation and release of survey and census microdata. Many of these countries have built microdata portals using the same open source tools developed and used by the World Bank for our own Microdata Library. While the World Bank encourages and supports greater access to microdata, the access policies for the data on those sites are determined by the countries or organizations that generate the data.
Much of this work is conducted with World Bank support through the International Household Survey Network (IHSN),, and its agencies, as well as the Accelerated Data Program (ADP), These programs currently provide support activities in more than 70 countries and partner agencies through the ADP and IHSN. The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) are building a catalog using these tools, which is available here .
Survey and census data listed in the World Bank catalog include data generated by World Bank operations, as well as by other organizations or countries. Surveys from outside organizations are listed in our catalog by specific request of those organizations. An example of this is our MEASURE DHS collection, which links users to DHS data available from the MEASURE DHS site. As an advocate for more open access to data, the World Bank Microdata Library is open to requests from countries and organizations to list their survey datasets in our catalog. The catalog is for any type of microdata from low- and middle-income countries, for which metadata is available without restriction, and for which data can be accessed free of charge under clearly defined conditions.